All-Around Hi-Pt Youth


2017 High Point Youth Champion: Autumn Mason

Eligibility requirements:

Current WHSA member in good standing and also have been a member in good standing for the previous year

Age 18 & under as of Jan 1st of current year

Meet the class working requirement for the year

Fulfill the WHSA sponsorship commitment for the year

Show in at least 5 shows (a double pointed show counts as 2 shows)

Show at least 5 times each in these different categories – halter/showmanship, speed, and performance

Cannot have won the all-around hi-pt award in the previous 2 years

WHSA will award an All-around Hi-Pt Youth saddle each year only if a saddle sponsorship has been acquired no later than June 1 of the current show year.  In the event there is not a saddle sponsorship, an alternate prize will be selected by the awards committee and announced no later June 1.  In the event a saddle has been sponsored but there are no youth that meet the All-around Hi-Pt Youth eligibility requirements, then the saddle sponsorship will be split between all youths that showed in at least 5 shows for the year using a 1pt = 1class shown percentage system.